Silat Training im Zanshin Dojo
The Southeast Asian martial art silat is ideal for self-defense. Floor and standing techniques are trained over different distances. Strikes, throws and levers are used.
Martial art from Southeast Asia
Many silat systems are designed to fight multiple opponents. Finn and Henning graduated with Guro Level 4 for Maphilindo Silat / Majapahit Martial Arts under Magulang Na Guro Dan Inosanto and have been training with him for 20 years.
Customer rating
The training is now an integrated part of my week.
The training is simply good from a technical point of view. I also like to train with the other people who are there. - Markus A.
Jetzt starten
Teste das Zanshin Dojo während einer Probezeit von 10 Tagen oder vereinbare ein erstes kostenloses und unverbindliches Kennlerngespräch.